Soccer Conditioning Coach

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Paul Gotsis - Soccer Conditioning Coach

Παρασκευή 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Strength Training : 4 Types of Training Distinction and Explanation

Objective: In this new section that we open we want to answer the questions of colleagues and coaches who visit our site from around the world. Τhe most of the teams especially in Europe in the season microcycle or in the Pre Season training  they follow 4 types of Strength Training.
Type 1 : Functional Strength Training with low weights  (25-30% M.S ) the most of the times with eccentric way and slow motion. Type 2: Max Strength Training with weights initially 60% M.S and step by step 85-90% M.S  in one length of (8-10 weeks) used more in Pre Season period.
Type 3:Functional Strength Training in the field with combination Strength (20%-30% M.S) +Agility exercises with Technical -Tactical situations.This last type of Strength Training we should note that it is likely to be much closer to the new reality of football with the GPS tracking ,the reason is that this training contains a lot of Accelerations-Decelerations and Intensive Runs ,but all these we will explain later. Type 4:Isometric Training- Core Stability Training used more the first week in the Pre Season period or in the first 2 training days in the Season Microcycle.
For my opinion inside of my 10 years experience in Super League in my coyntry,this I believe is the right distinction and position regarding with the strength training. Some things written about Strength training in books or sites I think are purely theoretical and far from the reality of football.
In one of the following presentations, I will explain  you in detail how all 4 types of Strength Training relate or how they should be used during Pre Season or In Season training.