Soccer Conditioning Coach

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Paul Gotsis - Soccer Conditioning Coach

Κυριακή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (14) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Metodologia Lavoro Integrata ( Integrated Training )

Moreover, training methods we could use in our daily training
process are:
1) Traditional training, where the priority is the development of one target (physical, technical or tactical),
2) Integrated training, where physical,technical and tactical targets are developed together by using ball and
3) Systemic training (Tactical Periodization), where our Game Model is the reference
when designing a drill or session.
All my last proposal mainly concerned with this model of training ,which is the most common in today's football.

Small Sided Game 4v4 plus Technical Circuit 

All'interno del campo si sviluppa una partita 4Vs4 con le 4 porte.(30x25 or 30x40)
All'esterno del campo invece si sviluppano due esercitazioni tecniche e coordinative differenti.
Esercizio 1:Slalom tra i coni, aggiro il cinesino rosso ed eseguo scaletta, salto a piedi uniti all'interno di ogni cerchio e mi metto in fila.
Esercizio 2:Conduzione palla fino al cono, cambio di senso e conduzione palla fino al cinesino giallo, trasmetto palla al compagno e di scatto aggiro il cinesino rosso e salto gli ostacoli a piedi uniti. Infine slalom largo tra paletti e mi metto in fila.

Inside the field there is a 4Vs4 game with 4 doors. ( 30x25 or 30x40 )
Outside the camp there are two different technical and coordinating exercises.
Exercise 1:Slalom between the cones, around the red cone and run to the ladder, jump on with one foot in each circle and go back of the line.
Exercise 2:Dribbling with the ball up to the red cone, change of direction and dribble back to the yellow cone, pass the ball to the next teammate and run around the red cone  and jump the obstacles both with the 2 feet , finally slalom wide between poles and I go back to the starting position.

Series : 2-4 each exercise
Duration : 4v4  3-4’minute
Duration Physical Circuit ( 2 exercises ) : 3-4’min
Total Duration : 6-8 x3-4’min    (4x3-4’min 4v4  - 4x3-4’min Physical Circuit )

Πέμπτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Tactical Periodization : Mourinho's best-kept secret ( HIT Integrated Training )

A Useful Training Tool for the Modern Coaches ,new soccer training approach.
1.Moments of the Soccer Game
2.Factors that influence in designing and building up a game model
3.Methodological principles of the Tactical Periodization
4.Standard Weekly Pattern
5.Principle of Conditioned Practices
6.Principle of Performance Stabilization
7.Factors to manage exercises complexity

This presentation is one of the best I've posted on this page. I am also giving you a unique pdf that explains how one of the world's greatest coaches thinks and train his teams.At the same time it presents the new training model ( Integrated Training ) and a plan for how to build a weekly football microcycle .Ι hope to help you...

Πέμπτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (13) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Metodologia Integrata

Nel calcio moderno, la presenza della GPS  ha costretto gli Preparatori di Calcio tutto il mondo ad adattarsi.In tutti i paesi avanzati del mondo ha cominciato, cambiare le allenamento, soprattutto nelle giornate di alta intensità, dove il technical staff del squadre cominciarono a fare diverse combinazioni di contenuti -SSG e LSG con lo stesso allenamento, in esercitazione senza palla (lavoro a secco ) e possesso palla, SSG combinati con esercizi circuito tecnico fisico (esempio di Mourinho). Quindi siamo venuti in Spagna per chiamarlo ( Trabajo Fraccionando ) in Inghilterra per chiamarlo (Combined Training ) e infine in Italia, che ora ci riferiamo a ( Allenamento Integrata ).
Il allenamento che presentiamo oggi è un tipico allenamento di martedì per la maggior parte delle squadre di Serie C e parliamo sempre dei giocatori che erano in panchina e non sono stati utilizzati o hanno avuto tempi brevi.Certo, gli spazi, i tempi, la distanza, il numero di giocatori a seconda del periodo di anno e le esigenze di ogni squadra cambiano.Μa non dovremmo dimenticare qualcosa che si dice uno dei due docente a Settore Tecnico  Proff Francesco Perondi ,il parametro da utillizzare per la quantificazione del carico/volume e il mantenimento della qualita esecutiva (tecnica ). E preferibile alternare i giorni a maggiore impegno/intensita  quindi un giorno duro segue un giorno leggero.
Vi cito questo allenamento e deciderete in base alle esigenze deella vostra squadra se lo farete tutto o in  e parte se lo fate sul Martedi o Mercoledi .È sicuramente un allenamento con molti elementi di condizionamento fisico , abbastanza difficile ma non dobbiamo dimenticare che il modo di lavoro in Italia è completamente diversa dal resto del mondo nel calcio...

**( Dal Sito di Francesco Perondi ,Preparatore atletico a Fiorentina ,Docente ai corsi centrali di Coverciano ,Vice presidente AIPAC ,Data :12.01.2017 )

Σάββατο 17 Νοεμβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (12) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Metodologia Integrata (Integrated Methodology)

Allenamento Integrato a tre Stazioni -Proposta Jose Mourinho
Una interessante e versatile proposta pensata e messa in pratica da Josè Mourinho quando ancora allenava il Real Madrid è quella che si può scovare grazie a un video amatoriale girato in occasione di una tournée americana dei “blancos” e pubblicato sul sito di Gary Curneen, coach capo alla California State University di Bakersfield negli Usa.

Circuito Tecnico Fisico
La squadra è composta da venti giocatori che vengono divisi in quattro gruppi da cinque ciascuno. Due gruppi eseguono un percorso che può essere costruito come in figura, con i calciatori che uno alla volta eseguono degli esercizi di rapidità in skip all'interno di una scaletta, un balzo e uno slalom all'interno di alcune sagome per chiudere con una conclusione a rete. I giocatori partono palla al piede e la scambiano con un compagno o con un assistente all'inizio e al termine ogni minisettore del lavoro condizionale per poi finalizzare come si diceva l'ultimo scambio con un tiro in porta. Al termine di ogni ripetizione i calciatori proseguono in corsetta sull'altro lato del campo e si accodano ai compagni posti in attesa sulla seconda e speculare stazione di lavoro in attesa del loro nuovo turno. Va gestita l'alternanza (e quindi cambiate le posizioni dell'assistente che appoggia a muro) piede destro - piede sinistro.
Small Sided Games 
Gli altri dieci, divisi in due squadre, giocano una partitina a sei porte con regole e tocchi a discrezione del mister che può sbizzarrirsi a seconda degli obiettivi che si pone. Lo stesso Courneen sul sito ne offre una interessante variante, ogni squadra deve difendere tre porte (due sul lato lungo e una sul lato corto) e ovviamente fare gol nelle altre con la limitazione che il campo è diviso a metà e si può concludere a rete solo se si è nella metà campo offensiva. Secondo tempi stabiliti o dopo un certo numero minimo di tiri in porta per ogni giocatore che lavora sui circuitini esterni i quattro gruppi si scambiano di ruolo.

Set :3-4
Set : 3 esercitazioni ( 2 Circuito tecnico fisico +1 S.S.G 5v5) 3x4-6'min x3-4 Set
Recupero tra i blocchi (Ripetizioni ) :45''-1.30''
Recupero al termine (Set) :1.30''-3'min

**Un un articolo molto interessante dal sito (31.07.2017 )

Παρασκευή 2 Νοεμβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (11) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Fartlek  "Donati "
Una altra proposta per la Resistenza specifica

La figura sopra ci mostra il percorso ,di corsa veloce (freccia rossa ) di recupero (freccia gialla).La partenza avviene a centrocampo con la corsa media-bassa fino al primo segnatore,cono,dovel'atleta andra a incontrare 4 stazioni,formato da 8 coni che da a una latto effetua la corsa alla massima velocita e dall'altro lato (lato di ritorno)il recupero in corsa media -basa.Il circuito termina con una corsa veloce di circa di 30 metri,fino ad arrivare di nuovo alla stazione di partenza ricominciato con la corsa media - bassa.
Le misure di otto coni sono :
16mt-11mt-6mt-5mt   Tempo :6'min  Serie :3  Recupero Serie :3'min
Un buon soluzione e questo lavoro Fartlek ,per Martedi per loro giocatori che non ha giocando a domenica o a Mercoledi  mattina dopo la palestra -transformazione- o Mercoledi pomeriggio in combinazione con le partitele a tema (S.S.G )

The figure above shows us the route, of fast race (red arrow) of recovery (yellow arrow).The start takes place in midfield with the medium-low race up to the first scorer, cone, where the athlete will meet 4 stations, format from 8 cones that gives a stroke to the maximum speed and on the other side (return side) the recovery in the average stroke -basa.Il circuit ends with a fast run of about 30 meters, until you get back at the starting station restarted with the medium - low run.
The measures of eight cones are:
16mt-11mt-6mt-5mt Time: 6'min  Series: 3  Recovery Series: 3'min
A good solution is  this work Fartlek, for Tuesday afternoon , for their players who did not play on Sunday or Wednesday morning after the gym -transformation- or Wednesday afternoon combined with the Small sided games. 

Σάββατο 20 Οκτωβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (10) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Integrated Exercise ( Esercitazione Integrata )
Aerobic Exercise, (circuit + 3v3 + Technique + Possession) and Maximal Run 25m

Video -Animation 

Divide the team into 2 groups and position them diagonally to the training field.
At the end of the time, the groups turn anti-clockwise.
At the bottom left is the coordinating circuit, the players will have to run the ladder, a wide lateral slalom, ladder changing exercise and finally jumping on foot joined inside the hoops + fast run at the end to start again .
Turning counter-clockwise we find the 3Vs3.
In this station you enter all the variants that are most congenial to you (touches, everyone must touch the ball etc.)
In the next one we find ourselves in the technical station, in this position the boys are positioned in cascade and perform analytical exercises of dribbling and pass.
In the last we find a simple possession of the ball. Also in this case you insert some variants if you need them.
In passing from one station and another, the players must make a length of at least 25 meters.

4-5 sets of 5 'each (45' 'work + maximum run for change exercise 25m + 1-2' rest)

Δευτέρα 8 Οκτωβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (9) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Modern mixed - training with and without ball

We divide the team into 4 groups. The activity consists of making two ball possessions between two teams (as seen in the drawing) during 2 '. At that moment, each possession group makes a complete return to the space, delimited by cones. In the first repetition, the lengths are jogging and the widths will be made at 90%, always starting the jog (long) side. Once the round is over, it is returned to the same box and another possession is made again among the same teams. At 2 'will return to give another full turn to space, but now the width will be at slow jog and the long at 90%, always starting the exercise at a slow jog (width).

Once the two possessions with the same groups are finished, there will be a rest of 2 'and the same will be done again but the possession will be between two different teams.
The work will end, when all the teams have faced each other 2 times. (6 reps).

Technical limitation of 3 touches per player.
If there are jokers in both possessions better, so that there is more fluidity in the game.
It will rest 2' when there is a change of equipment.
The images are ordered at the time of completion.
- Straight line = 90% intensity
- Curved line = slow jog
- Number 1 = Cone where each group begins.

Work time: 6 sets of 2'min per possession.
Rest between repetitions and after the running :30''
Rest time: 2 'after every 2 series.
Space: 2 boxes of 20x20m approx.
Players: 16-20 players.

Τετάρτη 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (8) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Combination Physical Technical Circuit plus Intermittent Run

a.Physical -Technical Circuit with ball
b.Intermittent Run 5''/15''

I split the team in 2 groups.Τhe seperation was based on (M.A.S ).
I had 2 groups with  10-12 players.The one group followed the 
Physical and Tecnical Circuit and the other group the Intermittent Run
when finished ,they changed roles.
Physical Technical Circuit (Percorso a Circuito tecnico con palla) 
Distance 1 lap :90-95m ,Work :43-47'' Rest :15''-25'' Reps: 4-5 Set :2-4
Intermittent Run (Lavoro Intermittente )5''-15''
Distance :30-34m ,Work :5'' Rest :15''(Passive ) Reps :14 (usual 12) Set:2-4
Total distance :320-340 m.ave per player 14 reps:4.25''

Inside the use of GPS we understood that it is necessary
 to use exercises very similar to the game,in this way we can directly 
influence the physical condition of the players.With ball exercises
 I found out from my personal research that it is very difficult
 to achieve very high intensity for a long duration and with a 
consistent high heart rate.The importance of track use without the ball 
is from me very acceptable and important. For that reason I like to make 
mixed and integrated sessions (Fractionated work).

Using the metabolic power method, work (without ball) were carried out
 and tested on the intermittent and on the fartlek
because these forms of training greatly affect the improvement 
of the physical-athletic condition of the player, in relation to the evaluative
 parameters that emerges from the reading of the synoptic GPS data.

Conclusion :Ι decided to use 2 different exercises
(one with ball and one without) because I like to make a fixed training
with enough cardio work and metabolic power elements (85-92%fcmax
HIR ,SD,Sprints,Acc/Dec etc.)

Apollon Smyrnis ,Super League Greece Date:30.12.2017 
Soccer Conditioning Coach :Paul Gotsis

Τρίτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Important Notice :Solutions for Hamstring Injuries


Seeing lately in many countries the muscular problems that exist especially in the hamstrings, I make a bracketing in the presentations with the high intensity interval training  and give you a very nice video from Aspetar to rehabilitate and prevent  muscle injuries in the Hamstrings. The video is in the right position of the site.

Παρασκευή 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

HITraining in Soccer SSGs v MSGs v LSGs Scientific Approach

Physical and Technical Comparisons between Various Sided - Games within Professional Soccer 

This study compared the technical activity and physical moments on various sided-games within Professional Soccer.10 elite male players from a Scottish Premier League performed small- SSGs (4v4) medium-MSGs (5v5 to 8v8 ) and large- LSGs ( 9v9 to 11v11) each lasting for 3x5'min .Results show significant physical differences between SSGs, MSGs and LSGs for most of the variables measured. It was shown that SSGs induce a significantly faster playing speed when compared to MSGs and LSGs (150.5 vs 108.3 vs 120.4 m.min but significantly less repeated high - intensity efforts  (0.88 vs 4.40m) high -intensity running(7 vs 39m ) and sprint distance (0 vs 11m) when compared to LSGs .Findings also revealed significant differences between SSGs ,MSGs and LSGs in technical demands (passes,dribbles,shotsheaders ).High levels of reproducibility (ICC=0.99) where yielded when using the same sided-games to facilitate its use as part a periodised weekly structure.

At the Elite level of the sport ,players are suggested to need a high level of aerobic endurance  involving lower sub-maximal intensities coupled with an ability to reproduce high-intensity ,maximal efforts .Previous research has indicated that SSGs induce significantly higher HR responses as compared to LSGs allowing for an aerobic development .Furthermore during SSGs players spent significantly longer time in the >85% maximal HR zone (large effect ) as compared to large sided games. When discussing the speed or intensity of play within this study it should be noted how the meters (m.min ) between the sided games where significantly different with SSGs showing the highest meters values(198.5mmin )when compared to MSGs (106.9 m.min ) and LSGs (120.4 m.min ).The faster speed of play within the SSGs may be associated with the smaller pitch size and limited time in possession of the ball due to close proximity of the opponents.The results show that as the number of players increase from SSGs ,MSGs,to LSGs the speed of play  decreases due to less pressure from the opponents increased pitch sizes and more passing options ensuring the players can limit the amount of running they perform. However, SSGs and MSGs do not induce high-speed movements when compared to LSGs.

Key Point 1 (Pitch Size - Ball Contacts) : Τhese key findings within the study are attributedagain to the fact that when playing SSGs or MSGs the pitch sizes do not allow for the playersto accelerate to the levels the can achieve within the LSGs on the greater pitch dimensions.Also the distance between players and opponents in possession will be increased, leading togreater distances needing to be covered in order to apply pressure. Due to LSGs revealing less ball contacts,the players may also spend more time moving to areas in order to receive passes or pressure the opponents in possession subsequently leading to greater higher speed movements.It should be noted that these increased sprint and HI distances covered during the LSGs may positively influence match and further training performance through the muscular adaptations achieved .

Key Point 2 (Passing):The investigation revealed a significant difference between each game (SSGs,MSGs,LSGs) with respect to  number of  passes. The results show that the more players on the pitch ,the fewer total passes made. This may be attributed to the fact that when there are fewer players on the pitch (4v4 to 11v11)the pitch dimensions are smaller and coincidentally the are less passing options ,coupled with the fact that there is more pressure applied on the person in possession of the ball ,increasing the need to pass more.

Key Point 3 (Dribbling) :More dribbling in SSGs  when compared to MSGs and LSGs.Due to their being less passing options within the SSGs ,the increased need for players to dribble past opponents to create space in trying to maintain possession is a key function of these type of games. According to (Hoff ),when dribbling the ball the energy cost is significantly higher pushing HR responses within SSGs higher.

Key Point 4 (Microcycle) : The combination of different sided games throughout the course of training week is something that should be noted in order to maximize the preparation of the players and expose players to varying physical and technical demands within a more controlled environment.  

Sample 1 ( SSG )

Sample 2 ( LSG )

Authors : Adam l Owen ,Darren J Paul ,Del P .Wong ,Dellal A 
"Physical and Technical Comparisons between Various Sided Games within Professional Soccer "

Τρίτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (7) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Corsa con variazioni di Frequenza ,su un percorso 
diagonale .

Μilan Training 04.09.2018 : 4 days after the win
with AS Roma (2-1 ) for the Serie A  the Coach
G.Gattuso and his Staff chose this Fartlek Training
to improve the Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity.
The Duration of this circuit is about 8'min and the 
diagonal lines (running on pairs ) the fast parts of
the Fartlek are (50m+50m) (90-100m+90-100m)
(110-120m+110-120m ). Total : 800-850m 
100-200-250-200-100m approximately .As we 
can understand due to the interruption of the 
championship they wants to give again a stimulus to 
the aerobic and anaerobic mechanism  with 
one trainingwith a lot of Intensive Runs (19-25km/h ) 
Met Power ,% V>16 , Acc /Dec .Ιi is also worth mentioning 
that inside in the Circuit they put Lunges (Forward +Reverse)
something that is not so common in Fartlek Training.
Simultaneusly with the running they have and Injury Prevention
via this functional movements and we must note something,
before the Fartlek they made Core Stability Training.
It is very good to combine Core Stability +F.M exercises.
I think that is a very good medium to high intensity
training  for the Season and for the Pre Season period.

Δευτέρα 27 Αυγούστου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (6) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

High Intensity Training Programme 1 

Speed Endurance : 5 Laps 2'min each lap
The Running Speed is expressed as a % of the  maximum speed.
Set :2  Laps :5 Rest Set :3'min All together 10'+3'+10=23'min
The one side is between 90-100m the other side 60m

High Intensity Training Programme 2

High Intensity Training : 1 lap 1.05'' 10-12 laps
From the start run at High Intensity to the other side of the field
turn around the cone and return at High Intensity (150m=30''sec)
as indicated in the picture ,afterwards walk or slow jog to the Starting P
(50m=35''sec ) and repeat 5-6 laps or 10-12 Repetitions.
Total Duration:21'.40''   Total Distance :4000m

High Intensity Training Programme 3

This High Intensity Running is in Anaerobic Lactic Threshold Zone
The Professional Soccer Players range between (88-92% FCmax the Anaerobic Threshold Zone  the lower threshold range between 85-88% FCmax ).The players who have lower AT we put them to run in this zone between 85-88% but in the faster parts of this Physical Circuit in 2' and 1' they will run into 90-92% FCmax about 6-10 bouts upper threshold.

Αll these programs I chose because they are suitable to quickly prepare some players who came late in the team very near to the start of official duties or to keep during the year the players who are out of the list  in the official games.
(Werner.Helsen UEFA Referees Committe ,2017-18) Performance Training in Football Refereeing 

Τρίτη 21 Αυγούστου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (5) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

Incorporate this High-Intensity workout into your routine to be fit as was Beckam
La Galaxy Fitness Coach Chris Neville has adapted the exact workout programme Beckham uses to stay on form to create a five week ,high intensity fitness plan you can squeeze into your daily lunch hour.Perform each workout twice during the week within your normal gym schedule ,moving on to the next workout each week.Leave at least 2 days rest between these cardio sessions to allow for recovery.

As you can see this fast Preparation Period of David Beckam is as a follow up from the others presentations and this is the plan that make enough teams in all the world at this time.The line is 5'min ,2'min ,1'min ,60m sprint with Change Direction,60m Sprints Linear .These exercises combined with S.G (Small-Medium-Large ) and B.P.G (Small -Medium-Large ) is a very nice and modern plan for a very well trained team.
By Mens Health posted on 04.09.2012

Σάββατο 21 Ιουλίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (4) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

Soccer Fitness :Dribbling - Aerobic High Intensity Training with  Ball

Week 3-4
We make on Square 25x25m with 4 small goals
3m side on each corner ,between in the middle 
of the 2 sides we put 3 cones for dribbling .You can
watch the video to understand better the work.

Week :3-4 with 6 or 7 weeks Preparation Period
Repetitions :6
Set:2  Rest Set :2'min 
Total Duration :15'min 

Soccer Conditioning Program :Speed Endurance Passing 

Week 5-6
We built on square 20x20m with 4 small goals in 
the middle of the 2 sides we put 2 cones as you can
watch on the picture.Watch the video for understanding 
the process.

Week :5-6 of Preparation Period
Repetitions :6
Set:2  Rest Set :4'min 
Total Duration :19'min 

Jens Bangsbo is a Danish published author on physiology and sport science.H e is also a former assistant 
coach to both Juventus FC and the Danish National Football Team.Jens has been at the forefront of research
into speed endurance training for the last 20 years.These drills you could use and was chosen beacause 
of its simplicity for a team or an individual player to perform.You can design any drill as long as it involves a maximum effort for the specified period.If it involves a ball and some changes of direction and accelerations and decelerations then so much better.
Bansbo had a squad of players perform speed endurance consisting of 6-8 receptions of maximal 20 sec work bouts.Group 1 then rested for 2 min while Group 2 rested for 40 sec.At the end of three weeks Group 1 had improved their Intermittent YoYo Yest level 2 scores by over 10% while Group 2 had improved by just under 4%.The reason for this probably lay in the quality of work the 2 Groups were able to perform.When the researchers looked at the distances covered in the latter repetitions they found tha Group 2 had accumulated significant fatigue and had experienced a far greater  distance covered than Group 1.Improving fitness is not just about accumulating lots of fatigue it is about the quality of work performed as well.So the general prescription from Bangsbo fot this type of work is :5-8 repetitions of 20sec.Start at 5 and build up to 8 over time2min rest between repetitions.
Opinion of the Author P.G :I place these 2 exercises -workouts because the current training design is based on GPS (replicate training ).The exercises suggested by the proffesor Jens Bangsbo besides the improvement of anaerobic lactic acid mechanism -VO2max (because as we have explained in the past exercises containing ball dribbling and active rest ,are much more pressing for the players but with greater results also have many features such as (Intensive Runs ,Acceleratios ,Decelerations ,Time in Red Zone etc as mentioned above ) very important results for the Fitness Coach .You can use this exercises for Squad Training in Preparation period or in Season ,Individual Training  and for the players that turn back brom an Injury )

Δευτέρα 9 Ιουλίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (3) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

Aerobic High Intensity Training with Technical Skills
We present the aerobic-anaerobic high intensity training :

15''-30''High Intensity Intermittent Training : 15'' Work Box to Box :72-75m Rest:Active Recovery Technical skills passing on pairs .In this video the author propose distance 80m in 15'' with active recovery 30'' ,8-10 repetitions Duration:6-7'min  2-4 Set .Rest Set :2-3'min .

15''-45'' High Intensity Intermittent Training : Run at high intensity more tha 18km/h from center circle to corner flag and return in 16'' the distance covered is 100 yard (91m) and the recovery in the circle is 44'', harte-rate is between (155-170b/1') .The players wears GPS monitors and we individualized the pace based the aerobic fitness level . (Both and in the 2 exercises you can adjust this distance depend the vVo2max of yours players e.x different distance for the player who has 17km/h vVo2max different distance for the player has 18km/h  with this ways you can seperate the team in groups depend the vVo2max ).

These methods can be followed in the Second or Third 
week in the Preparation Period  .For a team that the 
players are a long time with,I propose to make from
the second week this kind of training.

As you can see in the next table (Bucheit and Laursen 2013)
the desired metabolic and /or neuromascular load of the HIT
sessions with Short or Long Intervals .

All the Scientific approaches conclude that the
active recovery ,engage more the anaerobic mechanism

The most recently searches conclude that the best way
to improve the Vo2max and the anaerobic lactic acid
mechanism is ti use Long intervals especialy 2'min
92%vVo2max with 1'min Rec and 1'min 100%vVo2max
with 30'' rec and Short Intervals 20''-20'' ,15''-15'',10''-10''
15''-30'' ,15''-45'',10''-20'' 105-120%vVo2max .

Βibliography : Bucheit -Laursen "High-Intensity Interval Training ,Solutions
to the Programming Puzzle "
Yann Le Meur "French Institute of Sport ,Paris,France
Jornadas de actualizacion en rendimento deportivo Vittoria-Gasteiz
12th September 2015

Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (2) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

Specific endurance: Intermittent work and SSG in alternating reduced spaces

Specific resistance: intermittent work and games in alternating reduced spaces
What I propose to you today is a job we did at the beginning of November this year. The aim is to solicit the "specific resistance", ie the ability to sustain "repeatedly" high - intensity jobs.

First we divide the team into 2 groups that, alternatively, will perform the 2 proposals, one to "dry" and one through the use of the ball, which I will go to offer you.

The first proposal consists in performing an intermittent work 15 "- 15" on a 24mt shuttle run. Specifically, our players will have to perform in 15 "3 times the 24m or 72mt in 15" and then recover "passively" for another 15 ".

The second proposal consists in performing the exercises of 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 (depending on the players present) in a 30m x 30m space with a goal defended by the goalkeeper. The attacking team will have the task to make a goal in the goal defended by the goalkeeper while the team that defends, as soon as it recovers the ball, will have the goal to exceed the goal line behind the attackers having the opportunity to exploit the numerical superiority 5 vs 4 thanks to the goalkeeper.

As already explained at the beginning of the article, the work we performed consists in alternating the groups in the 2 proposals by performing 2 'of work and 2' of recovery. So a series is completed when the 2 groups have performed the 2 proposals. We have performed 3 complete series for a total of 24 'of work.
I noticed that in the last series the guys were really "tired" and struggled to maintain a high rhythm in the proposal with the ball. In this case I think it is preferable maybe at the end of the 2 series to give 30 "more recovery to keep up the pace.

Article :Resistenza Specifica :lavoro intermittente e partite in spazi ridotti alternati.
Preparatore Atletico ,Marco Benetton 

Τετάρτη 13 Ιουνίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (1) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

Potenza Aerobica (Anaerobic Lactic Acid Training ) 
We propose one sample training for High Intermittent Intensity Training (HIIT) This high-intensity workout is useful in the 3rd week of preparation and during the season period. It has all the elements that are reinforced by the modern training philosophy (GPS Training ).This workout gives a significant percentage to all parameters such as ΜetP(w/kg),VO2m,M/min ,Acc,Dec,>30*,Deq,%Deq,%An etc .
Procedure of Exercise
Blue Line : 55m =10'' Passive Rest :20''
Yellow Line :115m =20'' Passive Rest:20''
Red Line :137m=25-30'' Passive Rest :10''
Black Line :170m =35''-40''   Total Duration 1 Repetition:470-476m M.Av Total time :2.30''
6 Repetitions =2820m  Time Repetitions : 1'.30''-2.00''

Both in the preparation phase and in the season it can be combined with a ball training session. However, due to the high percentage of accelerations and decelerations but also to metabolic power, it can also be used as a self-training without ball.My suggestion is to go ahead with a ball practice and then finish the training with this part,specific in the season period.Don't forget that when you plan a training without ball you must keep the simulations pattern of the real game.

This Training took place in Juventus fc period (2007-2009) Coach :C Ranieri Fitness Coach :A Pintus the last 3 years in Real Madrid and in National Team of France.

By Paul Gotsis Soccer Conditioning Specialist 
Τhe following days followed a second sample for (HIIT ) 


Πέμπτη 7 Ιουνίου 2018

Gotsis leaves

Among the many departures that take place in Rizoupoli, another is imminent, but it raises questions. The reason for the Fitness Coach Pavlos Gotsis, who was one of the main players of the stay, and the excellent physical condition of the team, especially during the difficult period of the second round, where he managed to achieve his stay. The decision is  himself, despite the pressure he has received from Apollon fc men to stay. (Newspaper Sportime 06.06.2018 )