Soccer Conditioning Coach

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Paul Gotsis - Soccer Conditioning Coach

Τρίτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Hamstring Injuries : Prevention - Rehabilitation Part 3

Shakhtar prevention hamstrings strengthening .
Medical Department of Fc Shakhtar Donetsk
Hamstrings Work
The chapters include this video is :
a.General Hamstring and Gluteus Exercises
b.Eccentric Work
c.Elastic Work
d.Hamstring with Swiss ball
e.Exercises on Plint
f.Flexion with control (Movement Preparation )
g.Dynamic Exercises

I post this video on the 3rd of this research for the prevention of muscle injuries to the hamstrings because I find a complete and comprehensive video that can help every football team Fitness Coach.
I want to say something to help all players and Conditioning Trainers in Soccer .Give  great weight to the use of eccentric exercises to strengthening  and prevent muscle injuries on the Hamstrings, this is the key.(Paul Gotsis ,Soccer Conditioning Trainer in Soccer Teams )