Soccer Conditioning Coach

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Paul Gotsis - Soccer Conditioning Coach

Σάββατο 21 Ιουλίου 2018

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (4) Potenza Aerobica (Metabolic Power Training)

Soccer Fitness :Dribbling - Aerobic High Intensity Training with  Ball

Week 3-4
We make on Square 25x25m with 4 small goals
3m side on each corner ,between in the middle 
of the 2 sides we put 3 cones for dribbling .You can
watch the video to understand better the work.

Week :3-4 with 6 or 7 weeks Preparation Period
Repetitions :6
Set:2  Rest Set :2'min 
Total Duration :15'min 

Soccer Conditioning Program :Speed Endurance Passing 

Week 5-6
We built on square 20x20m with 4 small goals in 
the middle of the 2 sides we put 2 cones as you can
watch on the picture.Watch the video for understanding 
the process.

Week :5-6 of Preparation Period
Repetitions :6
Set:2  Rest Set :4'min 
Total Duration :19'min 

Jens Bangsbo is a Danish published author on physiology and sport science.H e is also a former assistant 
coach to both Juventus FC and the Danish National Football Team.Jens has been at the forefront of research
into speed endurance training for the last 20 years.These drills you could use and was chosen beacause 
of its simplicity for a team or an individual player to perform.You can design any drill as long as it involves a maximum effort for the specified period.If it involves a ball and some changes of direction and accelerations and decelerations then so much better.
Bansbo had a squad of players perform speed endurance consisting of 6-8 receptions of maximal 20 sec work bouts.Group 1 then rested for 2 min while Group 2 rested for 40 sec.At the end of three weeks Group 1 had improved their Intermittent YoYo Yest level 2 scores by over 10% while Group 2 had improved by just under 4%.The reason for this probably lay in the quality of work the 2 Groups were able to perform.When the researchers looked at the distances covered in the latter repetitions they found tha Group 2 had accumulated significant fatigue and had experienced a far greater  distance covered than Group 1.Improving fitness is not just about accumulating lots of fatigue it is about the quality of work performed as well.So the general prescription from Bangsbo fot this type of work is :5-8 repetitions of 20sec.Start at 5 and build up to 8 over time2min rest between repetitions.
Opinion of the Author P.G :I place these 2 exercises -workouts because the current training design is based on GPS (replicate training ).The exercises suggested by the proffesor Jens Bangsbo besides the improvement of anaerobic lactic acid mechanism -VO2max (because as we have explained in the past exercises containing ball dribbling and active rest ,are much more pressing for the players but with greater results also have many features such as (Intensive Runs ,Acceleratios ,Decelerations ,Time in Red Zone etc as mentioned above ) very important results for the Fitness Coach .You can use this exercises for Squad Training in Preparation period or in Season ,Individual Training  and for the players that turn back brom an Injury )