Modern mixed - training with and without ball
We divide the team into 4 groups. The activity consists of making two ball possessions between two teams (as seen in the drawing) during 2 '. At that moment, each possession group makes a complete return to the space, delimited by cones. In the first repetition, the lengths are jogging and the widths will be made at 90%, always starting the jog (long) side. Once the round is over, it is returned to the same box and another possession is made again among the same teams. At 2 'will return to give another full turn to space, but now the width will be at slow jog and the long at 90%, always starting the exercise at a slow jog (width).
Once the two possessions with the same groups are finished, there will be a rest of 2 'and the same will be done again but the possession will be between two different teams.
The work will end, when all the teams have faced each other 2 times. (6 reps).
Technical limitation of 3 touches per player.
If there are jokers in both possessions better, so that there is more fluidity in the game.
It will rest 2' when there is a change of equipment.
The images are ordered at the time of completion.
- Straight line = 90% intensity
- Curved line = slow jog
- Number 1 = Cone where each group begins.
Work time: 6 sets of 2'min per possession.
Rest between repetitions and after the running :30''
Rest time: 2 'after every 2 series.
Space: 2 boxes of 20x20m approx.
Players: 16-20 players.