Soccer Conditioning Coach

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Paul Gotsis - Soccer Conditioning Coach

Σάββατο 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

4 Types of Strength Training

In this Presentation we start to explain the 4 Types of Strength Training as I told you in the first presentation for this topic.

-Max Strength Training (Pari Saint Germain )

-Functional Strength Training in the Gym

-Functional Strength Training in the Field (Chelsea FC)

Core Stability Training (Real Madrid FC )

In the next presentation I will explain to you how we can combine these types of Strength training  in the duration of the year.

Παρασκευή 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Strength Training : 4 Types of Training Distinction and Explanation

Objective: In this new section that we open we want to answer the questions of colleagues and coaches who visit our site from around the world. Τhe most of the teams especially in Europe in the season microcycle or in the Pre Season training  they follow 4 types of Strength Training.
Type 1 : Functional Strength Training with low weights  (25-30% M.S ) the most of the times with eccentric way and slow motion. Type 2: Max Strength Training with weights initially 60% M.S and step by step 85-90% M.S  in one length of (8-10 weeks) used more in Pre Season period.
Type 3:Functional Strength Training in the field with combination Strength (20%-30% M.S) +Agility exercises with Technical -Tactical situations.This last type of Strength Training we should note that it is likely to be much closer to the new reality of football with the GPS tracking ,the reason is that this training contains a lot of Accelerations-Decelerations and Intensive Runs ,but all these we will explain later. Type 4:Isometric Training- Core Stability Training used more the first week in the Pre Season period or in the first 2 training days in the Season Microcycle.
For my opinion inside of my 10 years experience in Super League in my coyntry,this I believe is the right distinction and position regarding with the strength training. Some things written about Strength training in books or sites I think are purely theoretical and far from the reality of football.
In one of the following presentations, I will explain  you in detail how all 4 types of Strength Training relate or how they should be used during Pre Season or In Season training.

Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2019

La Programmazione della Preparazione Fisica nel Calcio

In the afternoon of Friday 13 April 2018 in the aula magna
of the Department of Human Sciences prof Nazzareno Salvatori
held a seminar in the Sport Week on the Planning of physical
preparation in football.An interesting presentation for  all the
year and especially for the Summer Preparation Period.

Τρίτη 21 Μαΐου 2019

Transition Period in Soccer (Off-Season Plan ) Aims-Phases

Transition Period in Soccer -Ιntroductory Elements-

Training Phases What Fifa propose in the Training Plan of the Year

Scientific Approach for the Transition Period 

Which is the Program tha they proposed for 6 Weeks Transition Period ?

Which is the Off-Season plan in England ? Differences and Similarities

My Opinion  
If we look carefully all three papers (Fifa Training Plan-The Transition Period in Soccer :A window of opportunity -Off Season Plan Bury Football Club League 2)  have a few points similar
1. They divide the Off-Season plan in phases (1-3)
2. In the first 3 weeks the training is mainly devoted to Zone 1 (Aerobic Threshold 0-2mmol)
After 3 weeks we are working in Zone 2 (Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Threshold) always at intensity  under the anaerobic lactate threshold .When the Preparation Phase starts you can work some trainings in the Threshold and above it and after we are working only Zone 3.This type of training is famous as "Polarised Training "  .In this type of training we dedicate the greatest amount of work  (80% of the total amount ) in Zone1-Zone 2 and  (20% of the total amount ) in Zone 3.The last years the most of the off-season plans created in the base of this method.

3 .The Core Stability programs are not enough, but the player has to follow specific programs with weights of 60-70% of the Maximum Force so that we can then proceed to the 80-90% of the Maximum Force when starts the Preparation phase.
4.Individual Specific Programs with specific HR in the Aerobic Running and specific kg in the Strength Programs.
In my team Asteras Tripolis (Super League Greece ) I gave to the players SPECIFIC programs consisting of 
*5 Weeks duration about 40-45 days .The First 3 Weeks we are working in Zone 1 and after between Zone 1-2 .The last 2 weeks I propose 1 training per week in the Anaerobic Threshold Zone 
*The first 3 weeks 3or4 times training per week but the 4-5th week necessary 4 times per week .
* Aerobic Running specific HR in the 3 Zones (Zone 1-Zone 2-Anaerobic Threshold Zone and a mix of  continues and alternating run like (1.30''-30'' etc.)
* Specific Strength Program with 3 exercises for Upper Body and 4 for the Lower Body  also 1 Injury Prevention Program and 2 Core Stability Programs similar for all the players.
*My Off-Season Plan suggests 22 trainings in 44 days ,I told to the players "If you follow it you will return without any loss in the Anaerobic Threshold or in VO2max or vVO2max.

 Sample of my Fisrt week in my Off-Season Plan 

Sample of my Specific Strength Training Program

**For any further information ask me  
Paul Gotsis Fitness Specialist 
Soccer Conditioning Coach Asteras Tripolis fc Super League Greece

Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (16) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Intermittente a Triangolo -Lavoro a Secco  (Intermittent Runs in Triangle)

Una Proposta per migliorare la Capacita Aerobica (Soglia Anaerobica )
In circuito triangolare prevede un percorso in cui si alternano corsa intensa ,media e blanda .
Si lavora per la resistenza alla velocita su blocchi di 4' ,correndo quindi in continuita per 4 percorsi.
Si lavora completando 3 blocchi.I primi 50mt vengono percorsi in 10'' a circa 18-24km/h ,segue dopo cambio direzione stretto una corsa  a ritmo medio sui 70mt 10-11 km/h ,ancora un cambio di direzione su angolo stretto  e 50mt a 8-9 km/h  finali in corsa blanda.Recupero fra i blocchi 1.30'' ,recupero fine esercitazione 1.30''.
Distance :170m  4 Ripetizioni :710-730m Totale Distanza :2200-2250m  Time :50-60'' V m/s:2.8  V km/h :12  Potenza Metabolica :15 Watt  k/joule:10.8  Totale :10.8k/joule ( 3x4 percorsi )
Tempo Zona 80-90% :4'-10'min  dipendere il livelo di Soglia Anaerobica ogni giocatore.
Distanza a Zona 5 (19km/h+) :370-380m
Settimana Tipo :Mercoledi  Preparazione Estivo un buono allenamento per la prima settimana.
"Il Calcio Funzionale con la Potenza Metabolica " un libro che Io prendo importante elementi per questo articolo.Questa allenamento Io ho fatto qualche volte a programmazione settimanale e a Preparazione Estivo e tutte le informazione che Io do e esatti.

Πέμπτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2019

HIITraining in Soccer Sample (15) Potenza Metabolica (Metabolic Power Training)

Formiamo due squadre di pari numero (in figura 5 contro 5 + 4 sponde per squadra + 2 portieri). Queste vengono schierate in un campo di dimensioni 36×48 metri. All’interno del terreno di gioco si svolge una partita a tocchi liberi con l’obiettivo di segnare più gol della squadra avversaria.
 Inizialmente le sponde giocheranno ad un tocco ed il gol su assist della sponda vale doppio.
 Si svolgono 4 partite cambiando sempre i giocatori che stanno all’interno del perimetro con le sponde. Come si vede dall’immagine ci sono solo 4 sponde quindi è consigliabile a rotazione far lavorare con doppia partita il proprio centrocampista, altrimenti possiamo modificare anche la partita sfruttando i due centrocampisti come dei jolly che giocheranno con chi è in possesso della palla.
La partita dura 3’ con recupero di 2′ al termine delle 4 partite.
Terminate le 4 sfide si andrà a svolgere un lavoro a secco, con una squadra che lavora mentre l’altra riposa. In questa proposta si incontreranno diverse tipologie di corsa, con fasi attive e fasi di recupero.
 Si eseguiranno 2×600 metri di lavoro sul perimetro, pari a 2 giri di campo completi per 2 volte con un recupero intermedio di 1’30”. Macro recupero di 3’.
Si andrà a ripetere il tutto per una seconda volta, variando le regole della partita.

English Language (Lingua Inglese )

We form two teams of the same number (in the figure 5 against 5 + 4 sides for team + 2 goalkeepers). These are deployed in a field of dimensions 36 × 48 meters. Within the pitch there is a free game with the goal of scoring more goals from the opposing team.Initially, the banks will play a touch and the goal on assist the bank is worth double.
4 games are played, always changing the players who are inside the perimeter with the banks. As you can see from the image there are only 4 sides so it is advisable to rotate to work with a double game your midfielder, otherwise we can also change the game by exploiting the two midfielders as the wilds who will play with those in possession of the ball.
The match lasts 3 'with a 2' recovery at the end of the 4 games.
After the 4 challenges, a dry job will be carried out, with one team working while the other rests. In this proposal we will meet different types of travel, with active phases and recovery phases.
It will be carried out 2 × 600 meters of work on the perimeter, equal to 2 complete field turns for 2 times with an intermediate recovery of 1'30 ". Macro recovery of 3'min  .We will repeat everything for a second time, varying the rules of the game.

(L angolo del preparatore :Sosta Natalizia -Allenare la Potenza Aerobica Preparatore Atletico :Mattia Tessarin)