Salsomaggiore Terme 16-17 Giugno 2012
"Scienza &Calcio :la ricerca applicata all'allenamento"
Direzioni: Feretto Feretti ,Coordinamento Organizzato:Ulrike Wachlter
Sezione ricerca :Marco Narici ,Carlo Castagna,Ermanno Rampinini,Gia Nikola Bisciotti,Danilo Manari
Sezione Campo:Rafel Pol Campanelas (Allenatore fisico della Roma),Giuseppe Pondrelli (Allenatore fisico del Napoli),Matia Toffoluti (Allenatore fisico del Cagliari)
Paul Gotsis attended the Conference with the Translator , Katsampoulas Antonios
Selected Slides from the Conference
Sabato 16 Giugno 2012
Marco Narici
Ermanno Rampinini
Giuseppe Pondrelli (Allenatore Fisico SCC Napoli)
Domenica 17 Giugno 2012
Danilo Manari
Rafael Pol Cabanellas (Allenatore fisico AS ROMA)
Carlo Castagna
Photo 1
Gian Nicola Bisciotti
Photo 2 (Scientific approach for Injuries)
Mattia Toffolutti (Allenatore fisico Cagliari )
Core Training from Mattia Toffolluti
Results from the Conference
Critical Points from Fitness Coach Paul Gotsis
1.Enough training methods to improve the Anaerobic Threshold .
2.Disagree which is better the Aerobic training with the ball or without ball.
3.The best method for working especially in the anaerobic threshold is 4x4'min with 3'min Rest 90-95%Fcmax-Rest 60-70%Fcmax
4.Which ise better Concentric or Eccentric training .The most of them believe eccentric training.
5.Different type Microcycle like the mikrocycle in Greece .The day off in Italy is always on Monday.We put the rehabilitation training on Monday and Day-off is on Tuesday.
A muscle that do not train for 3 months may be losing some of the hypertrophy, but may recover by receiving the appropriate stimulus ratio of muscle memory.
7.The Neuro-Muscular fatigue is biggest if we have intermittent exercise and not coninuous exercise.