Antonio Sanchez (instagram :Koeman_cor ) PHD Sport Scientist try to present the difference between the Small Sided Games with and without transition (with change of play area ).In this analyse the data that he use are Total Distance ,Distance between 18-21km/h ,Distance over 21km/h ,Peak Spead and Accelerations/Decelerations. In the comparison illustrated one big difference in the 2 speeds (18-21km/h ) and (>21km/h ) and also difference in Peak speed and in Acc/Dec.That means in days that we like to have peak performance is better to utilise SSG with change of play area because they can combine except the cardiovascular load more parametres like (HSR).Conclusion :When selecting exercises for a session it is important that you keep in mind that the tasks performed in SSSpaces will increase the Neuromascular Load (Acc,Dec,Cod) and the tasks that carried out in larger spaces will increase the Total Distances and the distances to high and very high intensity.