Soccer Conditioning Coach

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Paul Gotsis - Soccer Conditioning Coach

Δευτέρα 21 Μαΐου 2018

Congresso Internazionale :Training Load and Recovery in Football

Training Load and Recovery in Football (Exchange Experiences and Opinions )
Date:28.05.2018 Nelson Mantela Forum Firenze  Excellent organization, very good  all the speakers, much better compared to previous years. I think the speakers who stood out were  V.Di Salvo (National Team Italia ), A.Azzalin (Nantes Fc) ,S.Folletti (Juventus fc).
I will show you some slides from these speakers .
1.La Gestione dell'allenamento del calciatore -V.di Salvo 
a.Analysing the Football Performance Objectives 
b.Football Perfirmance priorities for Academy Football (U13-U18)
c.Periodization in a Proffesional Squad
d.Comparison Game-Training ,different plaeyr load,distance,metabolic power 

2.Programmazione dell' allenamento in diversi campionati europei :dati e riflessioni sul controlo del carico (Andrea Azzalin -Preparatore Atletico Nantes fc )

a.2 different microcycles from Monaco and Leicester 
b. Aerobic Metabolism in Soccer :Simulations and patterns of play 
*Increased total distance during the game
*Correlated to RSA
*Reduction of the negative metabolic effects related to the anaerobic metabolism
*Able to maintain a good ratio between work/power outpout in the end of the match

3.Filosofia di lavoro e strategie di recupero prima squadra -S.Folletti  
(Preparatore Atletico Juventus fc )
a.Recovery strategies of the First Team Juventus
b.Assessment Test (Vo2max Test,FMS Test,Strength Isom Test,Isokinetic Test )
c.Performance Test (Mognoni Test -Lactate Threshold,HIT Test ,CMJ Test,Test Agility)
d.Protocol for the players after the Game (24h-48h after the Game)
e.Different protocolls for the players who played 48h after the match.
f.Individual F.S.Training programms before the Training

Very good presentations, many common in their lectures  and all very interesting.
Home Message 
1.Aerobic Metabolim in Soccer = Simulations and patterns of play
2.Not only training with the ball but training and without ball  (General+Specific Training) for the Aerobic Mechanism
3.Balance betwwen load and recovery ,in reducing injuries.
4.Internal Load +External load after each training.
5.Replicate in the Microcycle Season Training.
For further